This house was built in 2006 and some natives were planted around the house, but many had succumbed to the drought and neglect. The owners were keen to create a garden they would both enjoy and use for entertaining and for sitting ourside. Their brief was that it should include a water feature, and although largely to be native, should include an exotic plant area particualrly for picking flowers for indoors. They were keen to do as much as possible of the work rhemselves in order to keep costs down. The back garden is currently nearing completion. Plantings on the steep bank behind the area are almost exclusiveley native, with a warm colour scheme of red, orange and yellow.Natives include grevilleas (prostrate and upright), correas, grasses, isopogon, accacia, phebalium, lomandra, Poa labillardieri, hakea, rhagodia; exotics in the low beds include geums, euphorbia and festuca.
In these photos the water feature was still underconstruction, and some planting on the bank still to be done - now underway with the cooler weather. The dromana topping with scattered large rocks has given a very peaceful gentle and natural feel and the plants are starting to provide additional interest. The side section and lawn are the next to be tackled.